Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's Tough Being Sensitive

Honest Mommy: It's Tough Being Sensitive: When Dylan was a few weeks old he suffered severe acne. For approximately two weeks he resembled a teenager and I was elated when his skin ...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Honest Mommy: My Big Underachieving Baby

Honest Mommy: My Big Underachieving Baby: Memorial day weekend was a success. With the extra day off we were able to accomplish everything we wanted to- like walking 11 miles, visit...

Friday, May 24, 2013

Honest Mommy: Friday ALL DAY

Honest Mommy: Friday ALL DAY: Friday is my favorite day because I have the weekend to look forward to. This means I can come home after work and stay up super late wit...

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Honest Mommy: Team Daddy Daycare

Honest Mommy: Team Daddy Daycare: Dylan is one lucky baby. Everyone loves him! He gets kisses, hugs and even gifts. Today he is staying home with daddy and I suspect the two...

Monday, May 20, 2013

Honest Mommy: Why Is Dylan Happy?

Honest Mommy: Why Is Dylan Happy?: Is Dylan happy because he has fun toys that make loud sounds when he kicks them? Or is Dylan aware that I no longer work Monday's and h...